'Where Quality Matters'
Our Terms and Conditions
1. Warranty:
Eco Energy & Solar Solutions (EESS) provides a 5-year retailers warranty on products, workmanship, operation
and performance of the solar system and or battery storage system.
2. Payment Terms:
Once your deposit is paid, EESS will begin committing resources to your project to install your system. You
agree to the following payment terms:
a. Deposit payment – 10% of total system price – at time of order
b. Progress Payment – 40% of total system price – to facilitate the purchasing of equipment.
Due approximately 4 weeks prior to estimated install date. The customer agrees that the commencement of
their installation is dependent on the payment of the Progress payment.
b. Final payment of remaining balance is due 7 days from completion of installation.
3. Payment method:
EESS accepts several payment methods:
a. Direct Deposit to EESS – St George Bank, BSB No. 112-879 Acc No: 465958753. Please include as your
reference – surname, initial and order number.
b. St George PayWay via card, standard charges will apply.
c. Cash/Cheque
4. Grid Connection:
a. Solar System – The connection of your Solar System to the Electrical Distribution Grid is dependent on your
retailer installing the appropriate meter if not already in place which is outside the control of EESS. The
application requesting the appropriate meter change may only be submitted once the installation is complete.
As such you agree that timely payment of our invoice is not dependent on the installation of this meter. We will
ensure that your Solar System meets Australian standards and is grid-connect ready. Our obligations to you
have been fulfilled when your Solar System has been installed at the agreed location, connected to the inverter
and is ready for your retailer to install the required meter. If the appropriate meter is already in place your Solar
System will be commissioned on installation day.
b. Battery Storage – If your Battery Storage is being installed in conjunction with your initial Solar System the
Battery Storage must not be connected to the Electrical Distribution Grid until the required meter is in place.
If your Battery Storage is being installed on a site that has an existing Solar System connected to the Electrical
Distribution Grid with the appropriate meter in place, your Battery Storage will be commissioned on installation
5. Discounts and Incentives:
Your Solar System or Battery Storage may be eligible for an upfront discount which include but not limited to:
a. The Federal Govt offer a Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES Scheme) to eligible participants who
install an approved Solar System to assist with making the purchase of your Solar System more affordable.
b. The NSW State Govt offer a Battery Storage incentive for eligible participants that install an approved Battery.
These incentives are subject to change at any time, and whilst EESS will endeavour to explain these Schemes
to you it cannot be held responsible for changes that may affect the price of your Solar System or Battery
6. Process to receive discount or incentive:
If eligible to receive an upfront discount or incentive, you will be required to assign the relevant Certificates
created under the scheme/s to EESS as listed below.
a. Solar System – Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STC)
b. Battery Storage – Peak Reduction Certificates (PRC)
• STCs – you agree to sign the necessary STC assignment form on the day your Solar System installation is
complete. If you are unavailable at the completion of your installation to sign the STC assignment form, you
agree the assignment form must be signed and returned to EESS within 3 working days post installation.
• PRCs – You agree that the PRC assignment form will be sent to you for your signature on the day of installation
and must be returned to EESS prior to the installation commencing. You agree that if the PRC assignment form
is not returned prior to the commencement of your Battery installation your eligibility for the Battery incentive is
If you assign your STC and /or PRC certificates to EESS, your Solar System and/or Battery Storage quoted price
will include/reflect the appropriate STC and/or PRC upfront discount.
The price used to calculate your upfront discount is shown on your Estimate. You agree that EESS reserve the
right to alter the upfront discount amount if the market price of STC or PRC certificates varies substantially prior
to installation.
You can choose to forego the STC upfront discount and submit your STC’s to the Clearing House to be traded at
$40, however there is no guarantee of trade timeframe or trade price. Further information can be found here
7. Cancellation of Order:
a. The customer may at any time within the 10-day cooling off period which commences upon signing the
Customer Fee Acceptance form, cancel the order and receive a full refund of any monies paid.
If you wish to terminate the agreement after the 10-day cooling off period EESS will withhold only that which is
required to offset the actual costs incurred up to the termination date.
b. EESS will provide a full refund to the customer upon request when:
• The final system design provided by EESS is significantly different to that quoted at the point of contract and is
not signed off by the customer.
• The site-specific full system design and performance estimate is provided as a deliverable of the contract and
this information is not provided before the expiry of the cooling off period, and the customer does not consent
to this information upon receiving it.
• The estimated delivery time frame for the installation that was agreed upon at the point of contract is not
honoured, for reasons within EESS control, and the customer does not consent to a revised time frame.
• EESS acting on behalf of the customer to obtain grid connection approval does not do so prior to installation,
and the customer does not receive approval from the distributor to connect the system.
• Extra chargeable work arises, and the additional costs are not borne by EESS and the customer does not
consent to these additional costs.
8. Your Estimate:
You understand that the estimated cost of your proposed system is based on information gained by EESS
product advisors during the initial site visit. The following should be noted:
a. The price of imported components included in your Solar System and/or Battery Storage are subject to
exchange rate fluctuations. For the purpose of generating your Estimate, prices have been assumed as
remaining stable until installation.
b. EESS reserves the right to alter your component pricing PRIOR to you signing the Fee Acceptance form which
reflects the component pricing increase and/or the payment of a deposit.
c. All prices include GST.
d. While we endeavour to provide accurate estimates of System performance there are many variables such as
weather, shading, panel cleanliness, outages (black outs), Grid Voltage fluctuations etc. that will affect
individual system performance. EESS provides estimates only and we are not liable for variances from the
estimates provided.
e. Your Estimate includes all costs assessed as accurately as possible, additional costs may be identified on
installation day during the pre-installation check or over the course of the installation by our Leading Hand/
Electrician (e.g. faulty wiring or asbestos) or during the Occupational Health and Safety review (e.g. working at
unusual heights, inadequate site access).
EESS will not commence work until you have agreed to any additional costs identified on the day of installation
f. Your Estimate is valid for 4 weeks.
g. Should our Leading Hand/Electrician determine that changes to the panel layout or Inverter location are
required or in their opinion would improve the overall outcome of the Systems installation, the proposed
changes will be discussed with you and agreed to prior to the commencement of any work involving the
specified changes.
Final Price:
Final confirmation of the price of the system supplied by EESS will occur on the day of installation. Any
unforeseen costs or refunds resulting from the installation will be agreed with you in writing, as a Variation. We
will forward a statement of adjustments reflecting this after installation and will provide a revised Final Invoice.
11. Additional Costs:
In some cases, customer installation sites may require appropriate electrical upgrades (e.g. to a meter box,
underground cabling). This work is outside of EESS normal responsibility but can be undertaken by EESS for an
additional cost (and is subject to an additional estimate). If you engage an external third party to undertake this
work, all expenses related to such electrical work should be paid directly to the party undertaking the work, and
EESS will not be responsible for any associated expense, quality, adequacy or completion disputes. According
to the installation address, the following should be noted:
a. Once we have completed your installation, your Energy Retailer will need to upgrade your meter if you don’t
already have the correct meter. Please note if you require a meter upgrade, the application form cannot be
submitted until the completion of your installation. Although it is the customers responsibility to organise the
meter change directly with their Electricity Retailer, EESS can submit the application form on the customers
behalf upon request. EESS will not be held accountable for any delays in relation to meter changes as it is an
agreement between the customer and their Electrical Retailer. The customer agrees that timely payment of our
final invoice is not dependent on the meter change.
b. Any equipment upgrades must be conducted by a licensed Electrician.
12. Timely Installation:
EESS will make every reasonable effort to install your system in a timely manner. However, we will not be
bound to meeting estimated or proposed delivery, installation or system completion dates due to
circumstances out of our control such as Global material availability, peaks in demand created by changes in
government legislation, inclement weather and/or other forms of force majeure. Delayed installation or grid
connection due to circumstances outside of our control is not a valid reason for claiming a refund or
compensation from EESS.
13. System Capacity:
System descriptions within the industry utilise nominal output capacities, and actual product may vary slightly
from the broad descriptor e.g. a “3kW system” may have an actual rated capacity of say 2.9kW or 3.1kW. The
system we supply may not be the exact capacity noted in your Estimate, but will fall within the nominal
descriptor range. We reserve the right to change product and system specifications without notice but
guarantee that replacements will be of an equal or superior quality and capacity. Items will not be substituted
without prior agreement from the customer.
14. Delivery and Storage:
We may deliver your system materials to your installation site prior to the day of installation and/or require
storage of system materials at your installation site overnight if the installation takes longer than one day. It is
your responsibility to safeguard all delivered materials in a secure location.
15. Title to components (“All Monies”):
Title to the system does not pass from EESS until your Final Payment has been received in full.
16. Site Access:
You agree that our representatives will have safe access to the installation site for the purposes of delivery and
installation. EESS reserves the right to enter your property to recover any of its property, including unpaid
goods. (“Avoiding Trespass”)
17. Information, Privacy and Legislation:
You will provide us with any information required by us to apply for any grant, rebate or other benefit which you
may be entitled to receive, and you authorise us to apply for credit information about you, should we require it.
The information collected by us may include “personal information” within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988.
18.New Energy Tech Approved Seller:
EESS is a New Energy Tech Approved Seller, and we comply with the New Energy Tech Consumer Code
(NETCC). EESS is committed to exceeding the expectations and requirements of being an Approved Seller